Two to three times a week I walk twenty minutes or so to my piano lesson. I actually prefer walking over taking the bus (even though I have a bus pass) because the little journey is so pleasant. One time I took pictures along the way.
This is the view as I walk along the river. Ahead is the bridge I walk over.

There are multiple bridges over the Salzach, some for pedestrians and some for vehicular traffic. I like walking over this one—it’s less crowded.

This is the view from the bridge. You can see the domes of churches and a fortress on a mountain. It’s beautiful.

After I cross the bridge, I continue walking along the river. In the afternoon beautiful twenty-somethings sit under the trees playing guitar or talking and sometimes on hotter days they sunbathe on the riverbank.

I always pass this giant guitar.

The graffiti here is much more artistic than what I’ve seen in America. I also see a lot of anti-Nazi graffiti; things like “Nazis töten!” and “**** Nazis!” or “Kill all Nazis!” and “Space Invaders against Anti-Semitism.” There’s also the occasional ideological anti-war or anarchist message scrawled on walls.

This is the part of Salzburg known as the “new town.” By “new” they mean it’s a few hundred years old. The “old town” has buildings dating back to when years only comprised three digits.

This is the view I get when I return from my piano lesson and the sun begins to set. If only all commutes could be this glorious.
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