
The adventures, thoughts, and general scrawlings of a classical pianist


  • Steinway Hall

    Well guys, I’m feeling kind of dead tired. I spent a week in New York, and then a week in LA, and now I have to get back into my non-traveling routine. I did have time to put together a post about one of the highlights of my New York trip—a visit to Steinway Hall… Continue reading

  • Sick Blogging: Mosquitoes, my mortal enemies

    I’ve been hilariously negligent about updating this blog for the past several months; my excuse most of the time is that with practicing, teaching, freelance-designing, and running that other blog, I just don’t have the time to intelligently write about my life. My excuse for the past several weeks is that with morning-to-night activities here… Continue reading

  • In which I direct your attention to a new project of mine

    Am I the worst at blogging? I am the worst at blogging. We are now more than halfway through May and the last time I wrote a post was in March. I’m not sure how this happened, given that I come up with ideas and content for new blog posts all the time—I just never… Continue reading