
The adventures, thoughts, and general scrawlings of a classical pianist

I’m in the news! (Canadian news!)

So…hey guys! You know that time I totally talked a reporter’s ear off? Well somehow that turned into an article about Equality Within Reach!

I’m pretty psyched that site is getting more publicity (particularly cause I’m lazy and I want to spend my energy practicing, working on that album I said was totally going to come out this summer, and reading every article on Cracked). I’m also loving (and by loving, I mean my soul is 20% sad) the situational irony that the first time I’m appearing in any sort of news, it has to do with something not related to piano in any way.

But still! My project is being covered by Canadian media, and it’s so controversial that I can’t even bear to read the stupid comments! WHOOHOO!

(Seriously though, in fifty or a hundred or two hundred years our descendants* are going to look back on these years as being very un-egalitarian and that makes me ashamed! The prevalence of racism and homophobia, as well as the insidiousness of anti-woman ideas in our society, make me very sad indeed. It’s 2012, shouldn’t we be making rocket ships to take us to our intergalactic colonies, instead of squabbling over whether people should be respected?)

Ahem. Anyway, read the article; I suppose it’s some sort of life accomplishment? Do I get to level up now?

*That is, if global warming hasn’t wiped out the human race.

One response to “I’m in the news! (Canadian news!)”

  1. Very awesome blog !! I couldnt have wrote this any better than you if I tried super hard hehe!! I like your style too!! it’s very unique & refreshing…

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