
The adventures, thoughts, and general scrawlings of a classical pianist


Pictured: the lox plate from Ikea! (Only $3.99 or $4.99, I think.) I love salmon in all its incarnations and this was especially delicious, with dill and lemon.

Anyway I’m not that dedicated to blogging at the moment, but I actually don’t feel all that guilty about it. I’m not being paid to blog, I don’t have blogging deadlines, and I have other things to do in my life right now—a lot, in fact. I actually do wish summer would last a little longer, so I’d have time to do all the practicing I want before school starts, as well as actually finish the design projects on my plate and make some progress on a few outside ventures.
Oh well! Summer is winding down, time marches on, and I just have to accept it!

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