
The adventures, thoughts, and general scrawlings of a classical pianist


  • New Layout!

    I was getting rather tired of using a template for my blog, so I threw together a new layout featuring my third-favorite color, aqua blue! (My second-favorite is gray and the first is red. Technically my third-favorite color is Tiffany blue, but that’s copyrighted.) Aqua blue is also a close relative of turquoise, which Pantone… Continue reading

  • Photos from Home for the Holla Days!

    Sadly I didn’t get to make the event myself, but Bay Area photographer Junshien Lau did! Photo from JunShien.com From all accounts, the concert was a blast! There are many other stunning photos, in all their glory, at Junshien’s site, so go and have a look-see! It makes me sadder that I couldn’t make the… Continue reading

  • Autocomplete Me

    I forget exactly how I found Autocomplete Me, but it showcases, via Google’s autocomplete search suggestions, some strange keywords and terms that apparently are actually Googled quite often. Already some of the entries have made me laugh uncontrollably out loud, and I have, on occasion, entered the search query myself to see if these are… Continue reading