
The adventures, thoughts, and general scrawlings of a classical pianist


  • Stuff

    (I don’t really know what else to title this post.) Yeah, I keep falling off the blogging wagon. One of these days I’ll post stuff from my camera and hopefully make substantial posts about my life, but for now, here’s a little list of stuff off the top of my head. 1. I’m home for… Continue reading

  • Fast food

    When neither I nor my boyfriend have time to make dinner, we hit up the school pub for some hot, greasy fast food. My ham-and-three-cheese sandwich and garlic fries. (The three cheeses: cheddar, brie, and provolone.) His fish and curly fries. Continue reading

  • Printers suck sometimes

    For my Beethoven class, we had a three-hour take-home exam. I took it pretty seriously–the exam came sealed in an envelope so I couldn’t look at it beforehand, and the exam had places for me to mark the start and end times so that I could prove that I’d done it in the allotted time.… Continue reading